Copyright © All rights reserved. Designed & Maintained by Clive Patterson     Updated 26 June 2024 Isleham Village

We will be moving to a new host soon so information is temporarily reduced


Isleham Parish Council

Council meetings held 1st Monday of each month 7.15pm at the Beeches.

 Dates are subject to change e.g. Bank Holidays

All Parishioners welcome.

Details of meeting agendas and other information can be found on this page, on the Parish notice board, Pound Lane corner and on the notice board at the entrance to the Beeches..

Definitive Map

Report potholes or faulty street lights etc directly on the

 council website or phone 0345 045 5212

Documents now available in pdf format

Links on the Rules and Documentation page  HERE

Report potholes or faulty street lights etc directly on the

 council website or phone 0345 045 5212

Definitive Map