Copyright © All rights reserved. Designed & Maintained by Clive Patterson     Updated 13 March 2025 Isleham Village

We will be moving to a new host  so information is reduced


St. Andrew's Church of England

Three Rivers Group

(Chippenham, Fordham, Isleham, Kennett, Snailwell)

Church Street, Isleham. CB7 5RX


The Rev’d Sue Potts, Associate Priest Tel: 01638 721662

Carol Taylor,  Licensed Lay Preacher


Mr Rob Savage           Tel: 01638 780218

Churchwarden: Dr Kathy Carver

Warden Emeritus:

Mrs Wenda Garbett    Tel: 01638 780863


 9.30 Holy Communion

 9.30 Junior Church Social Centre

Weekday Service:

 Tuesday at 08:15 Morning Prayer at the Church Social Center


 Rehearsal Friday 6.30 – 7.30 Contact: Mark Liversidge 01638 781696. New members welcome

Bell ringing:

 Friday 7.30 – 8.30 Contact: Ruth Ogden 01638 780646 New members welcome

Tuesday Morning: Coffee morning in the Social Centre 9 – 12 noon.



Pound Lane Free Church

We're an independent evangelical church in Isleham, affiliated to the Fellowship of

Independent Evangelical Churches.

We meet regularly Sunday morning and evening for worship and teaching, and have a range of

Midweek activities to meet the needs of different age groups.

Our children's and young people's groups are active and growing. We also hold a number of

Regular community events ranging from a pre-school music afternoon to an all age coffee morning.


Church Office: 01638 781343

Dave Hall (Church Pastor): 01638 780636

David Brown (Elder): 01638 780410

Michael Gee (Elder): 01638 552805

Sue Hall (Secretary): 01638 780636

Sandra Robertson (Kingdom Kids): 01638 781343 (Church Office)

John Martin (All Stars): 01638 781747

Steve Neale (Covies): 01638 780717

Meetings (all meetings are held at the Church unless otherwise stated):


10.00am - 11.15am "Kingdom Kids" Sunday School

(Ages 3 - 8; School years: Pre-School - School year 3)

10.00am - 11.15am "All Stars" (Ages 8 - 11; School years: 4 - 6)

9.30am - 10.30am "Covies" (School year 7 - age 20 years)

11.00am - 12.15 Morning Worship (Crèche available)

Morning Communion: following Morning Service on 3rd Sunday of each month

6.30pm - 7.30pm Evening Service

Evening Communion: following Evening Service on 1st Sunday of each month

Evening After-Service Refreshments: All but 1st Sunday of each month


1.30pm - 2.45pm (during Term Time) - “Music Mayhem”. A fun time for parents and children aged birth - 3 years (Pre-School)

6.45pm - 8.15pm - "All Stars" Club Night. Fun, games, drama & outings age: 8 & School years 5 & 6


7.30pm - 9.00pm - we are currently running a “Christianity Explored” Course, which is re-run periodically - Please see: for further details

Alternate Wednesdays (except January - February)

2.15pm - 3.15pm - Church Fellowship Meeting

Every Wednesday

7.40pm - 9.00pm - Church Night

(Refreshments available from 7.25pm)


10.00am - 11.30am - Coffee Morning - all ages welcome

7.00pm - 9.00pm Covies Club Night (School year 7 - age 20). Varied activities, + an annual Camping Week!

Alternate Friday

10.30am - 12 noon Womens' Meeting (held in Members' homes)

For more information on Pound lane Free Church Click Here >>>

The Ark Church

After 200 years in a small chapel in the village we built a new venue and recently moved in. We love the building but most of all want to see heartfelt worship, loving fellowship, real care, and relevant teaching. We aim to see people grow in their faith and present Jesus well to those around them . We are committed to being a church who see the gifts of the Holy Spirit amongst us. You are welcome to join us any Sunday wherever you may be in life.

Where are we?

101 Beck Road, Isleham, CB7 5QP.

Tel: 01638 780985


Sunday Morning - 10:30am

Sunday church is live streamed from 10:20am. Here is our YouTube Channel;

Kids and youth work groups run alongside the morning service;

Children and Youth

How can I find out more?


Facebook: The Ark Church, Isleham

Instagram: thearkisleham